Subject: A Message from the Bologna Center

To all Bologna Center Alumni:

I am writing to let you know the status of the Bologna Center and what we know at this point.

We heard very quickly of the tragedy and have assured protection of students, faculty and building.

I have spoken to all students present and they, with the faculty and staff, have demonstrated a great sense of community and provided each other with mutual support. We held a gathering of the Bologna Center community at noon, Thursday, Sept. 13, in which some of our professors spoke. Veronica Pye saluted the students for their remarkable integrity and strength of character during this time of crisis. Tom Row explained how this one event--like Pearl Harbor for an earlier generation--has forever changed our historical consciousness.

The students from the Class of 2002 responded with their own message, which I include below. I think that after you read their letter, you will agree that we have the privilege of training the best people possible to lead future efforts toward international peace and understanding.

The Italian community has been remarkable and immediate in expressing sympathy and support. Within hours, we received calls and messages from representatives of the local, provincial and regional councils, which later passed special motions of support. The council on safety headed by the prefect has taken special protective measures and expressed their sympathy and solidarity; the University of Bologna is flying flags at half mast and is calling a special meeting of the Academic Senate. They stopped all activities at noon Thursday for five minutes; the rector came in person to convey his message of sympathy and to give his support. Religious leaders throughout the community have also responded with special services and vigils, including a procession to the Basilica of San Luca for a candlelight service.

But our strongest support has come from our alumni and friends, who hourly send emails, letters and phone calls expressing their sorrow and giving their support. We treasure each of your messages as we all come together in the spirit of a community formed here at the Center and spread throughout the world.

Most of our students have been able to speak with loved ones and friends who may have been in danger. We are continually monitoring news reports and checking other sources in hopes of learning that all of our alumni are safe. Let us keep each other informed and stand together during this tragic time.

If you have news, please email me at or Karen Riedel, Director of Alumni Relations, at or call (+39-051-2717-837). Also, please check for updates.

My thoughts are with you, and my prayers are that each of you and your loved ones are safe.


Robert H. Evans Director, The Bologna Center

****************************************************** MESSAGE FROM THE BOLOGNA CENTER CLASS OF 2002

Director Evans,

All SAIS students here at the Bologna Center express their greatest gratitude for offering us complete support in the hours that followed the terrible events of yesterday.

The entire student community has sincerely shared the anxiety for the destiny of dear people in the United States. All of us participated in your anguish, and consequent relief, for the destiny of your son.

Students from all countries shared a unanimous emotional reaction to an attack that has inevitably shocked an institution whose foundations are deeply rooted within the United States of America.

Furthermore, as students of International Relations, we all feel privileged for having an opportunity to contribute directly to shaping values, which hopefully will make yesterday's events an unrepeated historical occurrence.

Yet more, in such a difficult moment, the Bologna Center student community is grateful to Johns Hopkins University for dedicating its best efforts to the creation of a priceless asset for all humanity: informed, knowledgeable and insightful culture.


The Students